来源:http://www.kailuyb.com/ 发布时间:2023-05-25
Basic specifications
When the construction elevator and material elevator at the ground feeding port of the access road in the street passage and building passage are within the falling radius or within the slewing range of the crane boom, protective sheds and passages must be set up to avoid accidents caused by biological impact.
通道防护棚应采用建筑钢管扣件脚手架或其他型钢材料搭设,严禁采用竹木杆件搭 设防护棚。
The safety passage protective shed should be erected using construction steel pipe fasteners, scaffolding, or other steel materials. It is strictly prohibited to use bamboo and wood poles to erect protective sheds.
通道及防护棚的顶部严密铺设双层正交竹串片脚手板或双层正交18厚木模板的水平硬质防护,及封闭的防护栏或挡板,整体应能承受 10kPa 的均布静荷载。塔吊主要经行线路转料平台卸料平台落物曲线范围内的通道及防护棚顶部严密铺设双层正交 50 厚木板。
The top of the safety passage and protective shed should be tightly laid with double-layer orthogonal bamboo string scaffold boards or double-layer orthogonal 18 thick wooden templates for horizontal hard protection, and the enclosed protective fence or baffle should be able to withstand a uniformly distributed static load of 10kPa as a whole. The tower crane mainly passes through the safety passage within the curve range of the unloading platform of the line transfer platform, and the top of the protective shed is tightly laid with double-layer orthogonal 50 thick wooden boards.
Special technical plans must be developed for particularly important or large safety passage protective sheds and cantilever protective facilities, and implemented after approval by the technical director of the enterprise.

通道净空高度和宽度应根据通道所处位置及人车通行要求确定,高度一般不低于3.5 m,宽度一般不低于 3m。高度在 15 m 以下建筑物,其进出口通道长度不低于 3 m;高度在 15-30m 的建筑物,其进出口通道长度不低于 4 m,高度超过 30 m 的建筑物,其进出口通道长度不低于 5 m。通道长度自脚手架外排立杆起算。
The clearance height and width of the safety passage should be determined based on the locations of the passage and the requirements for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The height is generally not less than 3.5 meters, and the width is generally not less than 3 meters. Buildings with a height of less than 15 meters shall have an inlet and outlet passage length of no less than 3 meters; For buildings with a height of 15-30m, the length of their entrance and exit channels shall not be less than 4 meters, and for buildings with a height exceeding 30 meters, the length of their entrance and exit channels shall not be less than 5 meters. The length of the passage is calculated from the vertical poles outside the scaffold.
立杆基础必须硬化处理,通道使用期内不得发生地面沉陷,立杆必须沿通行方向通长设 置扫地杆和剪刀撑。
The foundation of the upright pole must be hardened, and ground settlement must not occur during the use period of the passage. The upright pole must be equipped with sweeping poles and diagonal braces along the entire length of the passage direction.
常规通道立杆纵距不应超过 1200mm,防护棚悬挑尺寸为 300~500mm,双层防护棚 层间距为 500~600mm。
The longitudinal distance between the vertical poles of the conventional safety passage should not exceed 1200mm, the overhanging size of the protective shed should be 300-500mm, and the spacing between the double layer protective sheds should be 500-600mm.
宽度超过 3.5 m 或高度超过 4 m 的通道,立杆间距应加密或使用双立杆型钢脚手 架管格构式立柱,纵向横杆应采用型钢制作或搭设承重脚手架。
For safety passages with a width exceeding 3.5 meters or a height exceeding 4 meters, the spacing between upright poles should be increased or double upright steel scaffolding tube lattice columns should be used. Longitudinal horizontal bars should be made of steel profiles or load-bearing scaffolding should be erected.
Isolation railings should be installed on the side of the safety passage to guide pedestrians through it, and if necessary, dense mesh should be hung to close it.
II. Protection methods
Safe passage within the site area
Safe passage into the building
Construction elevator material elevator ground inlet safety passage
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